Some one said long ago, that life is more like a long long night ride. There are times when you drive smoothly along the familiar highways in a comfortable speed avoiding all those unknown roads. But once in a while life throws you a surprise lightning whose white shining light opens your eyes to those alternate unknown roads, making you rethink about the direction and pace of your road trip. Here is a short first hand experience of how such a lightning struck me couple of days back
There is a famous quote from the Turkish author Adnan Oktar a.k.a Harun Yahya which goes like "I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question."
Katty (not exactly her real name) is some one who seems to have asked this question to herself long back during one of those chilly winter mornings in Switzerland and then decided to pack her bag and fly out of her nest looking for more warmer lands. I met her in a bus during one of those journeys where the cramped over-head luggage rack was not accepting her heavy back pack. I helped her out with my expert knowledge about the presence of a trunk at the side of bus where she can keep her bag and this allowed me to have a short chat with her, who was much thankful for making her seating more comfortable.
Katty is more like one of those migratory birds where the seasonal movement is triggered by the chilling winter back home. She travels all alone with her back pack, her 'punk'ish nose rings and her special 'Bob Marley'ish hairstyle. Its her second visit to 'Gods own Country', previous one was 5 years back. She already traveled along length and breath of India from Rajasthan deserts to inner villages of Bihar to beaches in the west coast and her favorite Fort Kochi where she was heading this time once again. Sometimes you wonder what makes her do all this lonely seasonal migration, is it just about seeing places, or escaping winter or is it some thing more. To take her own words "What I liked about Kerala, apart from the climate is the pleasant welcoming smile I get here every time". There is a shine in her blue eyes which seems to reflect all those smiles she collected around the world
That day I saw in the lightning, a Swiss bird who flew away from her nest and her familiar tree, to the unknown sky only to collect smiles around the world. Then I stretched and looked at my reflection in the rear view mirror all I saw was a bird still flying around the comfort shadow of his tree. But now when I look up I could see the wide blue sky with a pleasant smile, welcoming me to take that unknown path ..
There is a famous quote from the Turkish author Adnan Oktar a.k.a Harun Yahya which goes like "I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on the earth, then I ask myself the same question."

Katty is more like one of those migratory birds where the seasonal movement is triggered by the chilling winter back home. She travels all alone with her back pack, her 'punk'ish nose rings and her special 'Bob Marley'ish hairstyle. Its her second visit to 'Gods own Country', previous one was 5 years back. She already traveled along length and breath of India from Rajasthan deserts to inner villages of Bihar to beaches in the west coast and her favorite Fort Kochi where she was heading this time once again. Sometimes you wonder what makes her do all this lonely seasonal migration, is it just about seeing places, or escaping winter or is it some thing more. To take her own words "What I liked about Kerala, apart from the climate is the pleasant welcoming smile I get here every time". There is a shine in her blue eyes which seems to reflect all those smiles she collected around the world
That day I saw in the lightning, a Swiss bird who flew away from her nest and her familiar tree, to the unknown sky only to collect smiles around the world. Then I stretched and looked at my reflection in the rear view mirror all I saw was a bird still flying around the comfort shadow of his tree. But now when I look up I could see the wide blue sky with a pleasant smile, welcoming me to take that unknown path ..
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